
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - 4:00-5:30 pm - Fine Center (First Free Methodist Church)

Join us as we celebrate books recently published by our SOT Faculty. We will enjoy reviews from local pastors on each book.

Workshop of the Holy Spirit: An Invitation to 神学教育
牧师审阅. 新圣约教会牧师沈大卫

Workshop of the Holy Spirit invites students into the exciting adventure of theological 教育. Many aspects of modern theological 教育 have their historic roots in the ideas of the Enlightenment. This foundation creates compartmentalized structures and frame工作s that may not lead to the thriving of theological students. 相反,虔信派领袖P.J. Spener asserted in 1675 that theological schools should be ""nurseries of the church"" and ""工作shops of the Holy Spirit""--a formative environment that enhances intellectual, 精神上的, 以及使命增长. Using the medieval 工作shop as a helpful metaphor for us 今天, and writing at the intersection of the student-faculty relationship, Strong and Bielman describe the components both in and out of the classroom that enhance fruitful ministry preparation. This book engages theological 教育 in our changing religious context. 它为学生们提出了新的问题, 强调新兴, 创新, and alternative models of training for life in the Spirit. Each chapter contains relevant stories from theological 教育 students, while including descriptions of the history of theological 教育.

The Radiance of God: Christian Doctrine through the Image of Divine Light
作者:Douglas M. Koskela
牧师审阅. 斯科特·达德利,贝尔维尤长老会牧师

The image of God as light abounds in Scripture and the Christian tradition. 在《好的赌博软件推荐》中,道格拉斯. Koskela explores the theme of divine radiance across the span of Christian doctrine. The book develops a constructive account of the Christian gospel that traces the journey from darkness into the marvelous light of God. Drawing on an ecumenical range of voices in the tradition, Koskela frames the discussion in terms of three central concepts: allure, 运动, 和快乐. The image of divine radiance suggests the sheer beauty of God that captivates the attention of God's creatures in wonder, 爱, 和赞美. The brilliance of this light initiates a process of 运动 toward it as the Holy Spirit transforms us in the image of Christ, 世界之光. The culmination of this journey is inexpressible and unending joy as we are immersed in the divine light. By following this threefold pattern through the classic loci of Christian doctrine, this volume offers a sustained and coherent treatment of the economy of salvation from creation to consummation.

Making Christianity Manly Again: 马克·德里斯科尔, Mars Hill Church, and American Evangelicalism
牧师审阅. Rose Madrid Swetman, Pastor Emerita of The Practicing Church

马克·德里斯科尔, 他是西雅图火星山教会的创始牧师, 对美国福音派产生了不可磨灭的影响. 德里斯科尔的傲慢, 独裁, and profanity-laden leadership grew Mars Hill Church into one of the fastest growing, 最有创意的, and most influential churches in the country--not an easy task in one of America's most secular cities. Driscoll's gender theology put men at the forefront of American Christianity, rebranding Jesus from a "gay hippie in a dress" to a sword-carrying, “robe-dipped-in-blood”战士. This type of rhetoric paved the way for evangelicals' embrace of hypermasculine Christianity, priming the pump for their unprecedented support of Donald Trump in the 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections.

Making Christianity Manly Again places Driscoll's gender theology in its social and historical contexts and analyzes the contemporary social patterns that explain how a hypermasculine theology helped create a megachurch empire. By addressing the rhetoric of Driscoll's 运动 through his sermons, along with narratives from former Mars Hill Church members, sociologist Jennifer McKinney leads us to a better understanding of the dynamics of the evangelical impulse to reclaim and glorify men's power. 这些动力学, 正如麦金尼所示, have fueled a growing Christian nationalist 运动, with enormous implications for religion and politics in America.

AI, 信仰, and the Future: An Interdisciplinary Approach
作者:Michael J. 小保罗斯和迈克尔·D. 朗格弗德
牧师审阅. 道格·凯利,伯大尼长老会牧师

Artificial intelligence is rapidly and radically changing our lives and world. This book is a multidisciplinary engagement with the present and future impacts of AI from the standpoint of Christian faith. 它提供技术, 哲学, 以及思考人工智能的神学基础, as well as a series of reflections on the impact of AI on relationships, 行为, 教育, 工作, 道德行为. The book serves as an accessible introduction to AI as well as a guide to wise consideration, 设计, and use of AI by examining foundational understandings and beliefs from a Christian perspective.

